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Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda


​DARIUSZ TOMASZ LEBIODA PH. D. – Polish poet, writer, literature professor, translator, editor, Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda was born in Bydgoszcz , Poland in 1958. In 1994 he received Ph. D. in Polish literature at Gdansk University and then teaches 30 years in Kazimierz Wielki University. He is Visiting Professor of The State University of New York at Buffalo – SUNY (2002) and longtime researcher at Polish universities and colleges. He is the author of more than one hundred  books of poetry, short stories, diaries, essays, scientific monographs of European romantic poets, contemporary Polish poets (MiÅ‚osz, Herbert, Różewicz, Szymborska) and world novelists (Faulkner, Caldwell, Golding, Singer, Murdoch, Pahmuk, Coetzee, Naipaul, Lessing, Le Clézio). He is the winner of a lot of Polish literary prizes: that of Andrzej Bursa’s Award, StanisÅ‚aw WyspiaÅ„ski’s Award, UNESCO Prize of International Day of Poetry, Ianicius Award and Bruno’s Award. He published books of selected poems translated into many languages – English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese and many more. He is the guest of many world literary festivals, including those in United States, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Kenya, South Africa, Iraq, China, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Belgium, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. From year 2015, he is the President of European Medal Of Poetry And Art – HOMER, with winners: Adonis, Gamoneda, Lilburn, Venclova, Kunze, Lane and Lojo.

Dariusz Tomasz Ledioda.jpg



I sat on the banks of the great

river and I was thinking

over the world-


no use to anyone reflection

no one is dealing with care


in the land of war and

the transferred blood bird

stops over the depths


palm trees glisten among

patterns glow-


the eternal circle of the red sun

slowly flows down behind

the horizon


and cicadas begin

the mating dance


the world goes out in the minds of

awareness explodes

middle of the world-


man is empty wineskin

of existence


only the last


drop waiting in it

to dry


The Euphratesin 2013


You stand at the gates of the bay

and watch into the far


blue vapors cover the hills

the light filtered in silently

through a garnet net

of days


you happened once

on all eternity and

never you won't



you exist in an instant

moment you feel pain

and delight


you separate the green

from navy blue and white

from black


every day more and more

you are closer to deaf

of nothingness


Chalcis 2023


Oh lake Qinghai, sea of tears shining

transparent and crystal-clear


The wind plays the cords above

underneath falls the sediment of salt


A solitary bird plunges into

blue deepness, its sharp

shadow scares away fish


Horses graze freely on shore

and there is pure longing and

dark despair glimmering

in the sky


Far away distance gently

quivers like strings

of the cithern


–That’s the way it’s always been,

centuries back and years to come


A fisherman will sit on the board

a shepherd will gaze into

luminous mounts


The lake will last lonely  and

in the sun momentary human lives


will shine like



Qinghai 2009


There is only matter

and nothing is outside

of it


in the rays of the sun

in flashes on the water

in the murky depths

bright thought

like a hibiscus petal


matter has her depths

and secret tunnels where

celebrates the death of ideas

and distant silence



on the seashore Aristotle

stares into the perfect



it abides in itself like a stone

in a stone like fish in fish

crab in crab like a moment

in eternity


Chalcis 2023


Like a huge white clam the coastal

city stuck to black rocks


far shores reflected in green

depths white gliding clouds

hanging over the horizon


a lonely boat passes by planes

of silence brilliance

and turquoise salt


in the sun everything becomes

expressive and confirming

value of duration


among the eternal



Euboea 2023

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