The European Medal
of Poetry and Art
Spain, Laureate 2020
Antonio Gamoneda (b. 1931) is a celebrated Spanish poet, widely regarded for his profound and evocative poetry that explores themes of memory, loss, and the human condition. His work often delves into the personal and collective experiences of the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath, offering a somber reflection on suffering and history. Gamoneda’s style is marked by its austerity and stark imagery, with a focus on silence, isolation, and the passage of time.
He is best known for his collections Blues del desconcierto (Blues of Disarray) and Cuento del niño que soñaba con un trasatlántico (The Story of the Child Who Dreamed of an Ocean Liner). In 2006, Gamoneda was awarded the prestigious Premio Cervantes, the highest honor in Spanish literature, for his outstanding contributions to the world of poetry.